Assumption BVM Youth Ministries
Track & Field / Cross Country
Register for the 2021 ABVM Track & Field program today by clicking on the Sports Illustrated Play (SI-Play) graphic --->.
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Track & Field
Open to Grades 1 thru 8
Season Starts Mid-March with all meets on Sunday Afternoons and Practices 2 - 3 times / week all at Bensalem High School
All Athletes are taught and given a chance to compete in all events
ABVM has recently sent Athletes to the Archdiocesan Championships, winning numerous medals
ABVM holds Archdiocesan records in the Varsity boys 200 and 400 meter events
In the last two years, ABVM has had alumni competing on at least 6 different High School teams
Coordinator Needed !! Contact Any CYO Board member for more information!!